Thursday, April 25, 2013

One Global Tweet, One Earth

The smallest thing happened today, and yet it altered my life. The tiny thing was that a friend was signing books at a book fair. Without giving it much thought, I tweeted a message, "If you're in Abu Dhabi, visit my friend Seumas Gallacher's book signing at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair."

It didn't hit me until a couple of hours later, when Seumas and I were chatting about the book fair on Twitter. We might has well have been chatting over coffee at a local cafe. Our conversation felt that casual and comfortable. We signed off with hugs and sleep well's that felt like the real thing.

Earlier in the afternoon I'd been chatting with my friend Molly Wishlade. We joked about eating peanuts for dinner, peanut butter for me and peanut satay chicken for her. She was savoring a piece of cheesecake that I wanted a bite of. Thing is, Molly lives in Wales, and I live in Mexico. We were chatting on Twitter.

What struck me, and I know it isn't news, but my heart's community, the people I interact with on a real, daily, and personal level, is now global.

I'm used to the idea of a long-distance family. My children live thousands of miles away, and we talk on the phone and Skype several times a week. Same with my sisters and some cousins. About a year ago I started following Melody Fletcher's blog, Deliberate Receiving, where I learned about the Law of Attraction. We email and Skype often, and she's become a third daughter. Melody lives in Barcelona. Close connection with family at a distance isn't a rarity for me.

It's not that I'm isolated. I live on an ordinary family street in Mexico, and have conversations daily in Spanish with neighbors ranging from young children to great-grandparents. Friends invite me to dinner and we go to the movies. Volunteering in animal rescue is a social as well as a spiritual activity. I love salsa dancing! In person community isn't lacking from my life.

Today felt like something different. What struck me today is that my life has been enriched a thousandfold by my global friendships. I'm deliberately avoiding the adjective 'virtual,' because the friendships aren't virtual, they're real.

Nathalie Thompson in Ottawa is as real, alive, and vibrant a friend as my amiga Sara here in Colima. Melody in Spain, Seumas in Abu Dhabi, Molly in Wales, Lori Gosselin in New Brunswick, and many other lovely people ALL OVER THE WORLD are now an integral part of my life.

Readers come to this blog from across the globe as well, and though I don't know all your names, I feel your presence. Welcome to, at last count, 9071 readers from China, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Germany, India, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Romania, Brazil, Greece, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Austria, Canada, Maldives, France, and many other countries!

Shamans say that global energy is rising. That our vibration as humanity is lifting us into a new level of consciousness. Today, I felt it. With one little tweet, I realized that my heart has expanded and a whole new One-Earth has flooded in!

I wish for every one of you the same joy that I feel. I wish for you more hugs than you could have imagined for a lifetime. I wish for you sunshine and rain and green and volcanoes puffing in the background.

Thank you every single person on the planet, thank you every animal and plant, thank you every rock and every molecule of water, thank you for existing! And thank you, dear and lovely readers, for sharing the journey!

Please share your thoughts, your musings, your questions, and your hugs. I look forward to a wonderful conversation!

And if you're in Abu Dhabi, drop by and visit Seumas. He'll be at the book fair all week.

This doesn't feel like a regular post, so I'm skipping, at least for now, the usual add-ons of other posts to visit and blogs to follow. Do click the links in the post and meet some fantastic new friends!


  1. Awww... thanks Carole! That's so sweet! It's funny, I just responded to a comment from one of my own readers last night that had to do with this very subject. I said I love the Internet because it lets people from all over the world connect. It really does bring the whole "one planet, one people" philosophy home, doesn't it? :-) Hugs for you! xo

    1. Hi Nathalie,

      Many of us are feeling the same emotion. Seumas wrote about global connection this morning on his blog too.

      I feel like a human who just discovered she has an electrical cord attached to her body. It's been there all along, but last night I plugged it into the wall. It feels like a pure light energy fills me continuously.

      My sister told me that shamans all over the world are streaming energy. Are you feeling it too? How does it manifest for you?

      Huge hugs,


    2. Interesting... I did not know that, and haven't thought about it, but I have noticed that when I have (really) off days that before would have frightened me into thinking the depression was coming back, I'm able to just ride it out now. I'm not afraid that the mood will last... I *know* that it's temporary and I'll feel better the next morning. I just chalked it up to being so immersed in exploring LOA now, that I'm automatically choosing to concentrate on better things.

      I'm also finding that I'm really picking up on it when I come across something that resonates with me. One of the quotes I put in Wednesday's post was about not having to be perfect to be excellent, and everytime I read it, I get a little rush of happy energy, which is awesome. Before, I would have probably just dismissed it as "oh, that's nice" and not thought about it again.

    3. Hi Nathalie,

      My moods have been fluctuating lately too, and I've been wondering what that was about. I think I've figured it out, and will write it up for a post for your blog if you want.

      Knowing that low moments pass is so important! I went through a post-partum depression with my first child. The turning point for me was finally realizing that I didn't have to be depressed for the rest of my life.

      Like you, I love that rush of energy from a quote! How wonderful that you can feel and acknowledge it! Actively looking for the positive, for 'what resonates,' brings more and more positives into our lives. Yeah!!

      More hugs,


  2. Fabulous post... I've put it on my Facebook wall ...LUV IT!

    1. Thanks for sharing my words, Seumas.

      The post is from my heart. Yesterday was an amazing day. And now here's today, even more incredible! Do you sometimes get so happy you almost can't stand it? That's me!

      Huge smooshy puppy hugs,


  3. OMG, MC! I had the same thoughts today! How cool is that?

    1. That's fantastic, A.

      If we ever needed proof of a rising global consciousness, we're getting it. It isn't a coincidence that you, Seumas, Nathalie, and I all wrote about feeling global on the same day!

      Let's have a giant group hug! How 60s is that?!

      Carole (aka MC!)

  4. Love that group hug idea!

    I'd like to ask your opinion on emotions. You know, I wonder if there is conditioning to those as well. Like, if let's say an IVF procedure does not succeed in a pregnancy. This is the freshest example so I'm using it. The woman can continue to be hopeful and nothing can shake her, yet all those around her are disappointed. If she was not emotionally intelligent, as they call it, or in LOA terms, not vibrating high enough, this would get her really down, perhaps leading to depression. Yet, if she continues vibrating high, she goes unscathed of the ways of the tribe, so to speak.

    I wonder if some of our depressions are really just extensions of other people's feelings and attitudes and not even our own really. What are your thoughts on this as an empath? It does seem plausible, which is more of a reason to focus on feeling good no matter what. It really does work!

    Looking forward to your response and any other thoughts about this

    1. Wow, deep question A. Whew, and thanks!

      First let me give you a huge hug! The IVF will work, or you will receive your desires in another form. As Melody suggested a few days ago, open all the doors of the round room, and breathe in the possibilities!

      To your question, the thought has occurred to me that we as empaths are here on Earth to demonstrate graphically that all emotions are... I don't want to use the word false, but they are... insubstantial. Here's an example.

      I spent a few minutes with a man who was depressed, though I wasn't consciously aware of that. We talked about football, that's all. A few minutes later, I began to feel seriously suicidal, hating my life, wanting to flee the country, making plans to end it all. Luckily, withing another few minutes I came to, realizing that I'm not even faintly suicidal, and that I must have picked up the emotions from the man I was talking with.

      My point is that while I was in the middle of it (being an empath sometimes isn't fun), I would have sworn the suicidal emotions were my own. And yet, they weren't mine at all. Not. At. All.

      That leaves me thinking, why should I believe that ANY emotions are 'real.' My 'own' emotions feel real in exactly the same way the empath-induced emotions feel real. What if none of it is real in the way we think?

      You are right that feeling good works. It's the simplest formula I know of for a joyful life. Just be happy! For me that involves realizing that I am in line with my Soul's energy, that my Soul and I are in sync. At that point, what anyone else thinks is beyond irrelevant. It's not even a blip on the radar.

      Huge hugs and smooches! I'm so glad we've connected here!


  5. Oh yes! Me too! Thanks so much for this! I will save in my favorites and I am glad you agree about the emotions part. I feel that as well. I always have a good time and appreciate everything until exposed to people who are downers and then find myself falling in despair. Oh MC, thank goodness you came to after that encounter with the guy discussing football! You have a lot of life to go and you are living the fourth phase (from what I know) now, with many more to come!

    1. Are you an empath too, A? Though I can't say things get easier once you realize that you are one, life certainly makes more sense.

      I've gotten to the point now that when I feel bad, I immediately wonder if I've picked something up from someone. It may take a little time, and luckily I don't need to figure out where it came from. Releasing an unhelpful emotion is becoming easier.


  6. Yes, I am a bit of an empath. We are emotionally intelligent, compared to the rest of the population. Let's face it, some people go through life as bumps on a log. Sorry to put it so bluntly, but it is true. I have met them and sometimes I'm like, ignorance is bliss, but is it really? I do not know the answer to this one. Of course we should live passionatle and deliberately and at times I feel sorry for those bumps but man, being so highly attuned to emotions and vibes can be maddening and I waste so much time being depressed and raising myself up!

    Oh yeah, speaking of high vibes,I heard recently that Moses actually killed those he slayed by speaking the word of God, i.e., his frequency was so high that they could not stand it and dropped dead. Now, this may be metaphorical, but it may be plausible. LOA does say that you transition if you can't keep up with the higher vibe. Hmmmm.....

    I just had to let you know about that thought. Thank you so much for your input. It helps me tremendously and puts things in perspective.


    1. Hi A,

      I'm not sure you can kill people with high energy, though it does seem like an Old Testament kind of miracle! What happens more often is people drift away. The trick is to maintain your vibration, and not be brought down by what can feel like desertion. Easier said than done, but you are 100% right that we (especially empaths, but everyone) have to surround ourselves with positivity, and that absolutely includes upbeat genuine people! Like You!!



  7. Hey MC!

    I wanted so acknowledge more LOA happenings. I few weeks ago, my husband and I were discussing removing a rose bush we have in front of the place we rent because it was dying and diseased and had pricked us several times and I was concerned about sporothrix. We were discussing this while looking at this poor plant, that looked like something from the Addams family, on its way out. Well, fast forward a few weeks to spring, and it is not only in full bloom, but it is growing new branches from the seemingly diseased branches! And we had it for dead! It has never grown so tall and green since we moved in three years ago. So, plants are empathic. I am sure it heard us and responded appropriately! Hooray!

    Just another example of LOA in action!

    Lots of love,

    1. Hi A!

      Not ignoring you! Just super busy with Twelve Nights going on free days on Amazon tomorrow. Download a free copy if you want!

      Thanks for sharing the rose bush story! I think you are right about plants responding to emotion. We had bought a live Christmas tree one year, this is about 40 years ago now. My Dad planted it in the front yard and it died. He insisted that we leave it there. Eventually we moved it to the back yard, planting it carefully again. It stayed there dead for years and years. When my father died, maybe ten years later, it came to life and grew into a beautiful strong huge tree. I like to think his spirit is somehow in that miracle tree!

      Thanks for the uplift! I always enjoy your comments! Hugs! Back to book marketing...


    2. Thank you so much for that story, MC. Very nice! I love our conversations. I'll look into the book tomorrow!

